Ferroprin® Tónico Neurocerebral

Ferroprin® Tónico Neurocerebral

Active principle: Glutamic Acid + Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 + Calcium Glycerophosphate.
Pharmaceutical form: Tonic

Concentration: Polypharmacy.
Presentation: Bottle x 480 mL.
Indications: Multivitamin supplement used when lack of vitamins is expected due to poor or inadequate diet. It is recommended for students, athletes, professionals and workers who work day and night and who present states of cerebral, nervous and physical exhaustion, lack of concentration and fatigue.


● Children over 9 and adults: 15 mL after breakfast and 15 mL after lunch.


● Vitamin B1 (como Tiamine) 5 mg
● Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 4.1 mg
● Vitamin B6 (Piridoxina) 1.5 mg
● Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine) 25 mcg
● Glutaminic acid 31.2 mg
● Calcium 6 mG

** Recommended for diabetics
Ferroprin Tonico Neurocerebral